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Role Modeling (Monkey See, Monkey Do) 

As a parent, it is important to remember that you are a role model for your children. If your children see you doing something or hear you saying something, they will learn from it and do the same. This also applies to regulating emotions. If children see their parents yelling and getting angry all the time, the child will learn from it and think that it is okay to throw temper tantrums when things don’t go their way. A positive example of parents regulating their emotions effectively would be if two parents were having an argument, instead of yelling at each other, if they were to calmly sit down and talk about the problem. This would allow the child to learn good problem solving skills. On the other hand, if the parents are having an adult conversation, sometimes it’s necessary to have the conversation without the child present. Remember, it is okay to tell your child that “Mom and Dad are talking, can you go play in the other room”. Therefore, it is important for parents to have a grasp on their emotional control to give their children something to learn from.


Source: Markham, Laura (July 5th, 2013). 5 Steps To Help Kids Learn To Control Their Emotions. Retrieved from,

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