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-Airway blockage 

-Heart muscle damage 


-Lung infections

-Nerve damage

Diphtheria is very dangerous and even with treatment about 10% of ​people infected will die. 

Treatment for diphtheria should be started as soon as possible. Treatment consists of two different types of medications, antitoxins and antibiotics. People infected with diphtheria are also usually kept in isolation to protect other people from contracting the disease because it is so contagious.


Signs + Symptoms

The diphtheria virus produces a toxin that causes fever, sore throat, swollen glands and weakness. Two to three days after contracting the disease, a thick, gray coating called a pseudomembrane builds in the nose or throat making it difficult to breathe.

The toxin can enter the blood stream and affect internal organs and nerves.


Diphtheria is cause by a bacteria called Corynebacterium diphtheriae. It's passed between people by coughing and sneezing. It can also be passed indirectly by touching household items with the bacteria on it. 

Vaccine schedule for children 0-6

5 vaccines at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15-18 months and 4-6 years.

Source: Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

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